2011年12月19日 星期一

使用 GoodTools 整理 Roms

0. 如果原本的 Roms 是已經合併(merged, 每個壓縮檔裡面有很多 Roms)過的, 應該
要全部解壓縮到另外一個目錄, 以下 Roms 目錄為 unmerged.

1. 下載需求平台的 GoodTools


2. 解壓縮 GoodXXX_NNN.zip(其中的 GoodXXX.exe,GoodXXX.cfg 為必要的)到要掃瞄
的 Roms 目錄下.

3. 開啟 cmd 命令列模式.

4. 進入該 Roms 目錄下.

5. 執行 GoodXXX.exe rename 進行驗證.
預設會把驗證(並修正名字)過的 Roms 全部搬到 XXXRen(預設名字,在本目錄下,

PS: 可以執行 'GoodXXX.exe move'
把認識的 Roms 全部搬到 XXXRen (預設名字,在本目錄下,工具會自建)目錄

6. 注意上面會跑一陣子, 最後產生 XXXHave.txt XXXMiss.txt
可以察看目前的擁有的跟待補的 Roms 有哪些.

NOTE: XXXHave.txt 是下面 GoodMerged 需要的檔案, 請不要刪掉!

7. 下載 GoodMerge



GoodMerge Binary \ GoodMerge_Binary_N.N.NNNN.NNNN.zip
GoodMerge XMDBs \ XMDBs (Goodtools v0.xx - vN.NN).zip

8. 'GoodMerge_Binary_N.N.NNNN.NNNN.zip' 解開到電腦任意一個工作目錄.

'XMDBs (Goodtools v0.xx - vN.NN).zip' 解開裡面的 *.xmdb 至上述該目錄,
但不要含 XMDBs\ <-- data-blogger-escaped-br="" data-blogger-escaped-goodmerge="" data-blogger-escaped-rom="" data-blogger-escaped-set="">
9. 執行 GoodMerge.exe

10. 設置 GoodMerge

a) ROM Set:
選擇需求的 ROM Set.

b) 檔案位置:
來源目錄為 Step 5 的 XXXRen, 請輸入(瀏覽)到該目錄位置.
輸出目錄為 你預計存放合併的結果的目錄(工具會自建).
Have.txt為 Step 6 的 XXXHave.txt, 請輸入(瀏覽)到該檔案位置.

c) 壓縮:
來源壓縮為 none <-- data-blogger-escaped-br="" data-blogger-escaped-roms=""> 7z or zip <-- data-blogger-escaped-br="" data-blogger-escaped-roms=""> 輸出壓縮為 7z or zip.
7-zip 選項 請設置你的電腦系統約一半的 RAM <-- data-blogger-escaped-br=""> 說壓縮參數錯誤.

d) 進階:

e) 其他位置:
命令列 7-zip 輸出壓縮為 7z, 這裡需要設置為你電腦裡安裝的 7z.exe 路徑
(請先安裝好 7-zip).
建議使用一個自建立的 temp 目錄 (請先建立好).

11. 點 '立即合併' 開始進行合併作業...

12. 最後 Roms merged 的壓縮檔位於上述的輸出目錄, 之前原始的檔案都可以刪去

2011年12月4日 星期日


"Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. ...Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."


- Hermann Göring,納粹德國空軍元帥,1946年在 Nuremberg 大審期間 Gustave Gilbert 的訪談記錄 "Nuremberg Diary"


2011年8月3日 星期三

Install the Bug Genie 3.x step by step

Install the Bug Genie 3.x

(3.1.3 tested)

1. install the Apache 2.2.x (2.2.19 Apache Lounge Build tested)

see my Readme.txt in "Apache HTTP Server v2.2"\

2. install the PHP 5.2.x/5.3.x with MySQL extentions (5.3.6-VC9 tested)

see my the Readme.txt in "PHP v5.2_5.3"\

NOTE: need to setup timezone in php.ini

a) in php.ini find

; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions
;date.timezone =

b) modify as

; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions
date.timezone = Asia/Taipei

c) restart Apache

3. install MySQL 5.5.x (5.5.12 tested)

see my Readme.txt in "MySQL v5.5"\

4. install the phpMyadmin 3.x (3.4 tested)

see my Readme.txt in "phpMyadmin v3.4"\

5. Create a database 'thebuggenie'

STEP1: open url

in login screen enter 'root' as username and your password to access


STEP2: in home page, click 'Databases' tab

STEP3: in Create new database fields, enter 'thebuggenie' and select

'utf8_general_ci' as collation option

STEP4: click 'Create' button

6. download and unzip thebuggenie_3.x.zip to ..\Apache folder\htdocs\bugs\

7. open url in http browser,

in first time it will setup the Bug Genie

STEP1: in the license statement, pick 'I agree...' and click 'Continue' button

STEP2: after checking the prerequisites, click 'Start installation' button

STEP2: in Database information, enter 'root' as username and your password

to access MySQL

STEP3: in Connection information, enter thhe hostname of the database, if it

is in the local computer just enter 'localhost'

NOTE: the port num here is for database connection! This is different

from http, please remain empty if no changed

STEP3: click 'Continue' button

STEP4: it will show 'All tables were created successfully...'

in the The Bug Genie URL information, check if all are valid,

click 'Continue' button

STEP5: it will show 'Apache .htaccess auto-setup completed successfully...',

click 'Continue' button

STEP6: remember the Administrator account, you should change it later

Username: administrator

Password: admin

STEP7: click 'Finalize installation' button

9. activate mod_rewrite module on Apache

STEP1: edit [Apache folder]\conf\httpd.conf

STEP2: find follow line

#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so

STEP3: make sure follow line not be commented

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

STEP4: find follow line

AllowOverride None
AllowOverride All

STEP5: make sure follow lines be

Order allow,deny
Allow from all

STEP6: restart Apache server and check again if mod_rewrite works

a) create .htaccess file with the code:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^first.html$ second.html

b) create 2 html files named first.html and second.html and write 1,

2, or first and second in them so that you could easily distinguish

that in first.html a word “first” is written. Put those 2 files in

the same folder where you put .htaccess file.

c) load first.html via localhost. Your mod_rewrite works if you see

first.html in the address bar but word “second” displayed in the page

8. open url

NOTE: 1. you can edit [Apache folder]\conf\httpd.conf, find

'DirectoryIndex' line and add 'index.php' in the end of line with space

ahead, so it can open index.php by directly

2. you could also create an alias for Apache2, add below lines into

httpd.conf, so it can open

Alias /work/ "C:/Apache2/htdocs/bugs/thebuggenie/"

AllowOverride all
Order allow,deny
Allow from all


Q: got 'An unhandled exception occurred: date(): It is not safe to rely on the

system's timezone settings...."

A: The Bug Genie requires php to configure the default timezone correctly.

Please see step 2's note


2011年8月1日 星期一

This feature IS NOT possible to implement


小顧客 Y sir 買了一台高清(HD)播放機 X, 是韓國人的, 在中國生產, 但是有行銷全世界, 都有渠道(代理)的, 還有官方網頁跟英文討論區...質感跟功能都不錯.


小顧客 Y sir 每次看影片時, 有些片子都是原生的電影劇院比例 1920x861 (2.35:1) 這些在他家的高清電視上(1920x1080) 看. 總是上下有兩條黑帶(中間是影片, 因為影片高未及1080)

小顧客 Y sir 很後悔沒買 52" 以上的螢幕, 所以每次看片子總是覺的視野好小, 所以他都會用該播放機的一個功能--放大--為133% 倍 (需要按 zoom 鈕後, 由 100%,101%...133% 一直按著微調, 更甚寬與高是分開各要調的, 又要一次 100,101...133%), 放大後左右會被裁掉但高度剛好滿滿螢幕, 此時觀賞片子總是高興些...

但有些的片子又是 1920x1080 (16:9 or 1.78:1) 的! 此時並不需要犧牲左右被裁掉阿, 所以小顧客 Y sir 很固執又按 zoom 按鈕再調整為 100%...

所以常常在...按 zoom 鈕後. 100%,101%...133% 一直按著微調 (寬與高各要調一次), 有時又再調整為 100% 這些操作 :_ ...

小顧客 Y sir 是一個可憐的程式工程師, 工作常常被客戶嫌東嫌西....

他以寫程式自以為的經驗, 想說上面的操作不就一個單鍵, 偵測目前影片源尺寸跟設定好電視尺寸 "自動做滿屏" as best fit 就好了不是?


小顧客 Y sir 寫:

I always like to zoom to 133% in X and Y to watch 2.35:1 movies in my 16:9 TV.
But sometimes I need to reset the zoom to watch 16:9 (aka 1.78:1)
movies...This cause very inconvenient..specially I need to re-adjust to
100% 101%...till 133% in X (and Y again) for next time I watch 2.35:1

Is there any method (中略....) or your team can implement a function key

I set my display to 1920x1080 in setting then I can press one key to switch
on/off the full screen fitting (preserve aspect w/o up/down black) while
playing video


討論區管理員 M sir 回答:

But if it is your goal to always have full screen coverage without black bars, no,
that is not possible to realise in current fw with pressing just 1

小顧客 Y sir 再寫:

Thanks, for this function is not available in current F/W.
But It is possible (and easy) isn't it?

1. User set his TV res
2. F/W detect the video stream's res
3. when playing stream, user press a specific key (like 'preview' or other no assigned in playing)
4. switch to(or back) zooming the X and Y to the max ratio of W or H of TV_RES/stream_RES
so without black area (allow left/right or up/down clipped)

I really hope your team can consider the function request..thanks however..

技術人員 S sir 回答:

If you are after the ability to zoom a 2.35:1 image to 16:9 via one key. I
can confirm that "no" such an option will not be implemented!

Topic closed

於是文章被 locked.

好一個 Topic closed!