2011年8月3日 星期三

Install the Bug Genie 3.x step by step

Install the Bug Genie 3.x

(3.1.3 tested)

1. install the Apache 2.2.x (2.2.19 Apache Lounge Build tested)

see my Readme.txt in "Apache HTTP Server v2.2"\

2. install the PHP 5.2.x/5.3.x with MySQL extentions (5.3.6-VC9 tested)

see my the Readme.txt in "PHP v5.2_5.3"\

NOTE: need to setup timezone in php.ini

a) in php.ini find

; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions
;date.timezone =

b) modify as

; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions
date.timezone = Asia/Taipei

c) restart Apache

3. install MySQL 5.5.x (5.5.12 tested)

see my Readme.txt in "MySQL v5.5"\

4. install the phpMyadmin 3.x (3.4 tested)

see my Readme.txt in "phpMyadmin v3.4"\

5. Create a database 'thebuggenie'

STEP1: open url

in login screen enter 'root' as username and your password to access


STEP2: in home page, click 'Databases' tab

STEP3: in Create new database fields, enter 'thebuggenie' and select

'utf8_general_ci' as collation option

STEP4: click 'Create' button

6. download and unzip thebuggenie_3.x.zip to ..\Apache folder\htdocs\bugs\

7. open url in http browser,

in first time it will setup the Bug Genie

STEP1: in the license statement, pick 'I agree...' and click 'Continue' button

STEP2: after checking the prerequisites, click 'Start installation' button

STEP2: in Database information, enter 'root' as username and your password

to access MySQL

STEP3: in Connection information, enter thhe hostname of the database, if it

is in the local computer just enter 'localhost'

NOTE: the port num here is for database connection! This is different

from http, please remain empty if no changed

STEP3: click 'Continue' button

STEP4: it will show 'All tables were created successfully...'

in the The Bug Genie URL information, check if all are valid,

click 'Continue' button

STEP5: it will show 'Apache .htaccess auto-setup completed successfully...',

click 'Continue' button

STEP6: remember the Administrator account, you should change it later

Username: administrator

Password: admin

STEP7: click 'Finalize installation' button

9. activate mod_rewrite module on Apache

STEP1: edit [Apache folder]\conf\httpd.conf

STEP2: find follow line

#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so

STEP3: make sure follow line not be commented

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

STEP4: find follow line

AllowOverride None
AllowOverride All

STEP5: make sure follow lines be

Order allow,deny
Allow from all

STEP6: restart Apache server and check again if mod_rewrite works

a) create .htaccess file with the code:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^first.html$ second.html

b) create 2 html files named first.html and second.html and write 1,

2, or first and second in them so that you could easily distinguish

that in first.html a word “first” is written. Put those 2 files in

the same folder where you put .htaccess file.

c) load first.html via localhost. Your mod_rewrite works if you see

first.html in the address bar but word “second” displayed in the page

8. open url

NOTE: 1. you can edit [Apache folder]\conf\httpd.conf, find

'DirectoryIndex' line and add 'index.php' in the end of line with space

ahead, so it can open index.php by directly

2. you could also create an alias for Apache2, add below lines into

httpd.conf, so it can open

Alias /work/ "C:/Apache2/htdocs/bugs/thebuggenie/"

AllowOverride all
Order allow,deny
Allow from all


Q: got 'An unhandled exception occurred: date(): It is not safe to rely on the

system's timezone settings...."

A: The Bug Genie requires php to configure the default timezone correctly.

Please see step 2's note


