2012年6月25日 星期一

Eclipse+Android SDK/NDK 開發環境的過程 (2/2)

接...Eclipse+Android SDK/NDK 開發環境的過程 (1/2)

接著要整合 NDK 產生的 lib (as xx.so) 能在 Eclipse 專案裡使用...


46. 測試 NDK 與 Eclipse 整合 (僅開發 C/C++ libraries 需要)

47. 執行 Eclipse.exe

48. 開啟 step 25~31 的專案為基礎, 如果沒有請重做

49. 在 Package Explorer 下新增一個目錄 'jni'

50. 在 'jni' 目錄下新增一個 'File' 命名為 Andriod.mk, 編輯內容如下

    LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

    include $(CLEAR_VARS)

    # Here we give our module name and source file(s)
    LOCAL_MODULE    := hello
    LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hello.c


    P.S. 如果 C 文件不只一個可以在 LOCAL_SRC_FILES 裡面列出

2012年6月20日 星期三

4. Install the phpMyadmin 3.x

Install the phpMyadmin 3.x


(v3.5.1 tested)

STEP1: Apache, PHP and MySQL must be installed first...

STEP2: download and unzip the phpMyAdmin-3.x-all-languages.zip to

       your  Apache web doc folder like [Apache-folder]\htdocs

STEP3: copy config.sample.inc.php and rename it to config.inc.php

STEP4: edit config.inc.php to use http authentication

       $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'http';

STEP5: open url[phpMyAdmin-folder]/index.php

       enter user name 'root' and password set in MySQL

3. Install the MySQL 5.5.X w/ Apache+PHP

Install the MySQL 5.5.X w/ Apache+PHP

(v5.5.25 tested)

STEP1:  Apache and PHP must be installed first...

STEP2:  download MySQL Community Server and execute the


STEP3:  must be 'I accept the terms...'

STEP4:  recommend to use Custom setup so it can change to install to


        just for easy accessing

STEP5:  use default features as options and install

2. Install PHP 5.2.x/5.3.x with MySQL extentions

Which version do I choose?

If you are using PHP with Apache 1 or Apache2 from apache.org you

need to use the VC6 versions of PHP

VC6 Versions are compiled with the legacy Visual Studio 6 compiler

If you are using PHP with IIS you should use the VC10 versions of PHP

VC10 Versions are compiled with the Visual Studio 2010 compiler and

have improvements in performance and stability. The VC10 versions

require you to have the Microsoft 2010 C++ runtime installed

*** Do NOT use VC10 version with offical apache.org binaries ***

Install PHP 5.2.x/5.3.x with MySQL extensions

(v5.3.14-VC9 tested)

STEP1:  Apache must be installed first!

STEP2:  download and execute php-5.2.x-win32-installer.msi with

        default setting

        NOTE: if you had installed the Apache from ASF build,

              use php-5.2.x-Win32-VC6-x86.msi

              if you had installed the Apache from Apache Lounge build,

              use php-5.3.x-Win32-VC10-x86.msi

1. Install the Apache 2.2.X

Install the Apache 2.2.X

A) from Official ASF build from http://httpd.apache.org/

(v2.2.22 tested)

STEP1:  download and execute apache_2.2.x-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi most

        with default setting

STEP1:  must be 'I accept the terms...', click 'Next'

STEP2:  in Server Information,

        enter your 'Network Domain' & 'Server Name' and you don't

        have one just enter 'localhost'

        NOTE:   you can still edit lines below in the


                after installed...

                        Listen 80

                        ServerAdmin admin@example.com

                        ServerName www.example.com:80

        enter a email address

        pick 'for All Users, on Port 80, as a Service', click 'Next'

Web App 應用需要四個基礎套件

很多 Web App 應用大多需要四個基礎套件安裝

1. Apache
2. PHP
3. MySQL
4. phpMyadmin

我已知有一個 AppServ 組織作了一條龍的套件, 但我沒試過, 因為我總是自己一個一個安裝.
其實每一個安裝過程大部分都很簡單, 只是偶而會遇到怪事.我現在養成習慣記錄下來.

下面我想就分成四篇筆記心得分享一下囉. 抱歉目前是用破英文寫的心得. 不是我耍屌, 只是安裝當時就直接記錄, 輸入英文比較快, 如果有人看不懂, 我想你也不適合自己 "親手" 用這些東西吧. 有空我會改中文. 中文字畢竟漂亮阿.